Year 1 Term 2 2023

Image of Year 1 Term 2 2023

Forest School Fun in Term 2: 

- Pumpkin hammering with tees and mallets

- practising knots, tying wool to make wands and broomsticks for Halloween

- painting with conkers in a tray

- using a palm drill with conkers and turning them into necklaces etc.

- picking sunflower seeds and…

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Year one mark-making and autumn leaves

Image of Year one mark-making and autumn leaves

This week, Year 1 have finished creating autumn leaves from their marking-making paintings.


Last term, the children explored mark-making but not with traditional tools! As whole classes, we looked at marks and lines made with unusual household objects and discussed what they reminded us…

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Year 1 Forest School Term 1 2023

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 1  2023

What a sunny Autumn term we have had. 

Stick man came to visit us in the first session. What could sticks be used for? The children explored ordering them by size, making boats that float, making stick people, making fishing rods and rescuing stick man from the ice, using spoons and pipets.…

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Year 1 woodland trip September 2023

Image of Year 1 woodland trip September 2023

Welcome to the woods Year 1. Your first trip. 

Luckily we missed the very stormy weather last week and went during a calmer time to Covert Woods to explore. Some tree surgeons were at work at our usual spot but we found a different area to explore. This session was all about using the…

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Pen and ink beasts!

Image of Pen and ink beasts!


Mark-making inspired by ‘Billy and the Beast’. 


This term, Year one pupils have been reading the book ‘Billy and the Beast’, by author and illustrator Nadia Shireen. Within art, we looked at Nadia Shireen’s illustrations and as a class discussed how she used her marks and lines to…

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Year R sewing - fine motor skills!

Image of Year R sewing - fine motor skills!

Throughout the academic year, pupils in Year R have been working hard to develop and strengthen their gross and fine motor skills. Our journey began in September with the children making large whole-body movements through play, exploring activities and in Write Dance lessons. Children gradually…

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Forest School Year R Term 6 2023

Image of Forest School Year R Term 6 2023

Summer term brings summer fun. 

The colour monster visited us - we read the book and talked about emotions and what keeps us calm, with a focus on the natural world outside. The children drew something that made them feel calm in the Forest School area. They enjoyed the swing made by the…

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Animal prints and texture - Year R

Image of Animal prints and texture - Year R

This term, Year R pupils have been using two of their five senses to explore texture. We began by discussing what texture is and their knowledge and experience of it. We explored visual (implied) texture by looking at photographs of animal skins and fur and imaging how they would feel. We also…

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Reception Forest School Term 5 2023

Image of Reception Forest School Term 5 2023

Reception learned all about caterpillars and butterflies in class - we tied our learning into that at Forest School. We were looking for and finding caterpillar holes in leaves, we acted out the Life cycles and planted seeds in flower pots. 2 weeks later, the seedlings had grown and the children…

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Year R imaginary gardens......paper construction

Image of Year R imaginary gardens......paper construction

Year R continue to practise joining materials within their art lessons. Over the last two weeks, I have been shrinking each child to the size of an insect! Whilst small, the children have been imagining the exploration of strange and colourful gardens. They have considered space, shape and…

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Year R papier-mâché bowls

Image of Year R papier-mâché bowls

Year R pupils are practising joining materials this term. Over the last two week, pupils have been making papier-mâché bowls within their art lessons (joining paper).


They began by making their own paste (glue) using 1 part flour and 2 parts water. They each measured out cups of the…

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Year R - loop the loop drawings

Image of Year R - loop the loop drawings

At the end of term 4 in art, Year R children continued to practise their gross and fine motor skills. The theme of the lesson was rainbows. We discussed what a rainbow is and when we might see one. We also looked at the colours in a rainbow and took time to discuss indigo and violet - colours they…

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