Bridge at the Beaney

Image of Bridge at the Beaney

Last week, Year 4s had an excellent trip to Canterbury. First, we went to the Beaney Museum and Gallery. Murray and Charlotte were the fantastic guides who showed us around the portrait exhibition and the Mirror Mirror exhibition. They explained the use of imagery in painting as well as the use of…

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Visit from Architect - Mr Town

Image of Visit from Architect - Mr Town

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Mr Town (parent) from OSG Architecture. We were fascinated to see so many different styles of buildings and to hear about some of the things that Architects do and have to think about. Some Year 4s were delighted to find out that by playing Mine Craft you can…

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An introduction to architecture

Image of An introduction to architecture

In Term1 Year 4 had a chance to consider not only the local architecture of Bridge during a geography field trip but also some of the buildings around the world designed by some famous architects. For example Zaha Hadid, Augustus Pugin and Sir Norman Foster. We then did our own observational…

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The Ironman 2022

Image of The Ironman 2022

Year4 had a great time in Term1 studying the book ‘The Ironman’ by Ted Hughes. In Art we looked at the work of illustrator Chris Mould. We used his work as inspiration for our own Ironman illustrations. The children layered their watercolours with wax rubbings and pen and ink. They…

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Sports Crew Training

Image of Sports Crew Training

On Tuesday 27th September, some Year 5 children went to Canterbury Academy for training on how to be a member of Sports Crew. There were several schools there and the Crew were asked to think about what skills are needed for this and then they had to create a game (or games) that they could teach…

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Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

Image of Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

To conclude our learning on Forces this term, we explored the air resistance of parachutes! To test our learning, we made parachutes for hard boiled eggs! The teachers then dropped the parachutists out of the window as we watched from the ground with our fingers crossed for a safe landing. The…

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Year 3 Sound Collector Poems

Image of Year 3 Sound Collector Poems

Year 3 have been exploring the poem, Sound Collector, by the poet Roger McGough. The poem imagines a world without the noises that fill our ears so we went on a sound walk around school to identify to sounds of Bridge! After this, we were treated to a personal reading of the poem by Roger himself,…

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Year 3 Gurdwara Trip

Image of Year 3 Gurdwara Trip

Last week, Year 3 spent a day at Gravesend Gurdwara. Prior to the trip, we had explored the rules and customs of the Gurdwara so we were prepared for our visit. When we got there, we had to remove our shoes, cover our heads and wash our hands, before Mrs Gill, the tour guide, introduced herself to…

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Ceramic tiles

Image of Ceramic tiles

Year 3 have had a wonderful time making flower relief tiles from clay. They investigated relief art forms and designed their tiles using their knowledge about the parts and functions of a plant from their science lessons. They used many skills such as rolling, shaping, smoothing and attaching 2…

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Forest School Year 3 17.5.22

Image of Forest School Year 3 17.5.22

We started off with the game 'you are only safe if...' to learn more about the trees and plants in our area. It was hot and sunny this week and more importantly not stormy or rainy so we could go ahead and make our fires. We read the book 'Fiery Fox' to learn about how we light fires safely and…

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Forest School Year 3 10.3.22

Image of Forest School Year 3 10.3.22

This week was about food chains and forest webs. We read the 'Acorn' book which showed some of the animals and plants that can be related back to an acorn to give an idea of a wood web. The children found cards of forest animals and plants in the area and sorted them into producers (plants) like…

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Forest School Year 3 26.4.22

Image of Forest School Year 3 26.4.22

Welcome to Forest School. 

Our first week was all about trees, this week we looked at animals of the forest. We played a game 'You are only safe if...' and the children had to find certain trees or materials. Then they turned into birds - talking about what birds feed on and finding different…

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