“Where the Wild things are” natural artwork Year 1
In English at the moment we are looking at the book “Where the wild things are”. Today the children worked in small groups to create their very own wild things creatures based on the characters in the book. We used natural materials that we had collected on our Geography field trip on Wednesday.…
Year 1 field trip around village
On Wednesday Year 1 went on a Geography field trip around the woods in the village. As we walked, we looked for signs of rural life. We saw many signs including crops, woodlands, sheep, fields, styles and even an orchard. We also discussed how urban places would look very different and what we…
Year 5 Science
In Year 5 this week we have been learning about All Living Things. In particular we were looking at the parts of a flower and identifying them by carefully dissecting a real flower and labelling each part. We learnt About each parts individual job and how together they all play a vital role in the…
Science Week
During Science week Year 1 investigated their bodies by measuring and comparing different body parts. We explored the questions ‘Does the tallest person have the biggest feet?’ ‘Does the person with the biggest feet have the biggest hands?’ and ‘Can the person with the longest legs jump the…
Science Week in Year 2
Year 2 had great fun during science week. The children carried out many different investigations with a focus on our bodies. One of our investigations looked at hand hygiene. This involved children placing a handprint on a piece of bread after touching various surfaces around school. We have been…
Year 3 Rock Day
Last week, Year 3 had an amazing day learning all about Rocks with Andrew Berry. The day consisted of making models of the Earth to show the different layers; inner core, outer core, mantel and crust. They learned to identify the different types of rocks, fossils, minerals and rock formations.…
4JH Science Day
4JH have had a superb morning learning about animals and insects as part of our Science week. The children learnt about how different animals move and the way they are designed. The children also had the opportunity to handle a number of different animals, such as a gecko, cockroaches, stick…
Geckos, African land snails and more ......
Year 4ST have had the most fantastic morning with Clive who is a local Scientist. We have been learning about animals and insects as part of our Science week. The children have closely observed a range of bird and animal skulls and creatures with exoskeletons such as cockroaches. It was great fun…
Kicking off Science Week
Science Week at Bridge School started with some very excited children attending an assembly on Monday morning in the school hall led by Miss Astin and Dr Nelson from The King’s School, Canterbury who also run Saturday Smarties as part of the Canterbury Primary Science Partnership.
The children…
Animal Antics
This morning Year One welcomed Lauren, from Zoolab, with some of her friends. We met a giant African land snail, a corn snake, a rat, a white tree frog and a scorpion. We loved holding the snail and cockroach, and stroking the snake and the rat. Lauren was impressed that we were able to tell her…
The Sound of Science
On Wednesday year 4 continued their science investigation of sound.
This week I asked the children to write a post in their own words. Thank you to Emma in 4ST.
"Yesterday in Science 4ST and 4JH had a great time learning about sound, vibrations and sound waves. Throughout the afternoon we…
Thermal Conductor Experiment
Today Year 5 have been scientists investigating properties of materials. We wanted to find out which material was the best thermal conductor. The children were given a list of equipment they had access to and then they were tasked with planning an experiment that would provide an answer to our…