Year 1 Trip to Community Garden

Image of Year 1 Trip to Community Garden

Year One had a fantastic time at the Whitstable Steam Walk Gardens. First of all we explored the site whilst carrying out a scavenger hunt. We picked edible vegetables to make a salad and mixed ingredients to create a dressing. Finally we learned all about the role of worms in a garden and helped…

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Year 3 Flower Tiles

Image of Year 3 Flower Tiles

To conclude our Science learning on plants, we had an Art day on Friday sculpting flower tiles. Our focus for the tiles was relief sculpture, whereby multiple layers of clay are built upon each other to add depth and texture. We began by designing our tiles on paper and choosing the colours we…

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Insect relief prints - Year 6

Image of Insect relief prints - Year 6

Last term, Year 6 pupils designed and produced relief prints inspired by their topic of Darwin and evolution. These prints have been made using a number of prepared printing plates. The backgrounds are collagraph (collage) prints (printed from fabric attached to a cardboard base with PVA glue) and…

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Science Day May 2023

Image of Science Day May 2023

On Friday 19th May we welcomed volunteers from Pfizer into school to hold six different workshops for the children as part of our science day.  Each class had the opportunity to take part in two hands-on science activities. The activities were exploring bubbles, flame test, exploring the build of…

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Dancing birds!

Image of Dancing birds!

Last term, Pupils in Year 6 explored electrical circuits within their science and DT lessons. Within DT, the majority of pupils designed and made dolls houses with lights and sounds; a small group made dancing toy birds.


With a flick of a switch, the birds dance, vibrate and spin around.…

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3JA Beach Trip

Image of 3JA Beach Trip

On Tuesday, 3JA visited Tankerton beach for some activities that were inspired by our Topic of the Stone Age and Science exploration of Rocks.

The journey took 30 minutes and we were lucky to arrive before the rain! Our first activity was creating miniature models of Skara Brae and Stonehenge…

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Year 3 Rocks Days

Image of Year 3 Rocks Days

We were very lucky in Year 3 to be visited by an expert in rocks from The Education People. Both classes had fun filled days with a large variety of activities.

We examined rocks using microscopes and identified the features of each.

We learnt about fossils and were able to cast our own…

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Year 3 Shadow Puppet Theatres

Image of Year 3 Shadow Puppet Theatres

As part of our science learning around Light and Shadows, the children of Year 3 became puppeteers today and investigated the pattern between the distance of a torch and the size of the shadow created. The children recognised that the closer the torch, the bigger the shadow, as more light was…

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Year 5 Space Day 2022

Image of Year 5 Space Day 2022

Ground Control to Bridge and Patrixbourne! 
Today Year 5 have had the most amazing day learning all about Space. Jackson ( from As Creatives) came into school to teach the children through the use of drama. They have learnt why other planets in our solar system are incapable of sustaining life…

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Pumpkin Soup!

Image of Pumpkin Soup!

Last term, Reception were busy learning about autumn and harvest time. We looked at seasonal changes, performed songs at Harvest Festival, and used autumnal natural objects and vegetables in role play, art and maths. Two of the stories we learned were “The Gigantic Turnip” and “Pumpkin Soup”. We…

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Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

Image of Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

To conclude our learning on Forces this term, we explored the air resistance of parachutes! To test our learning, we made parachutes for hard boiled eggs! The teachers then dropped the parachutists out of the window as we watched from the ground with our fingers crossed for a safe landing. The…

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Ceramic tiles

Image of Ceramic tiles

Year 3 have had a wonderful time making flower relief tiles from clay. They investigated relief art forms and designed their tiles using their knowledge about the parts and functions of a plant from their science lessons. They used many skills such as rolling, shaping, smoothing and attaching 2…

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