Newton's colour wheel - art and science

Image of Newton's colour wheel - art and science

This week, Year 5 have been learning about the artist’s colour wheel.

The modern colour-wheel is based on Sir Isaac Newton’s experimentation with light. While Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, he experimented by shining white light (daylight) through a glass prism, splitting it…

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Year 5 Science Day

Image of Year 5 Science Day

BOOM! What a fantastic day we have all had. Today the children have been transformed into: planets, rockets, moon buggies, stars, the sun and so much more. Through interacting with each other and active learning they should be able to tell you about the solar system, challenges facing space…

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Shadow puppets - Year 3 Science

Image of Shadow puppets - Year 3 Science

Year 3 have been learning about Light and Shadows in Science this term. They created their shadow puppet theatres and puppets. They investigated how a shadow changes when the distance of the light source is changed. They planned their investigation, made predictions and used measuring skills to…

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Bugs, Science and a great day at Creed

Image of Bugs, Science and a great day at Creed

We all enjoyed a wonderful trip to Creed Outdoors on15th June and we also enjoyed our recent walk in our local environment to survey the insect life and habitats in connection with our science topic. We have created a display of these outdoor learning experiences.

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Year 6 visit from 'The Weird Fish Lady'!

Image of Year 6 visit from 'The Weird Fish Lady'!

Year 6 were very fortunate to receive a visit on Thursday from 'The Weird Fish Lady' - otherwise known as Gloria Barnett: ocean adventurer, author and educator. She was joined by her diving buddy, Chris, and together they wowed the pupils with their night dive films, tales from the Red Sea and…

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Bridge Bakes Bread

Image of Bridge Bakes Bread

Everyone in Year 4 hopes that you were able to enjoy the bread that we made last week? Making bread was great fun and linked nicely with our Science topic of Changing Materials and also with our DT project of product design. We wonder if anyone will make bread over half term? Take care everyone…

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Year 2 Science

Image of Year 2 Science

This week we have been learning about habitats. We started by going on a walk around the school grounds to see how many different habitats we could identify. We then worked in small groups to create a picture of a chosen habitat and thought about the different types of animals that could live…

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“Where the Wild things are” natural artwork Year 1

Image of “Where the Wild things are” natural artwork Year 1

In English at the moment we are looking at the book “Where the wild things are”. Today the children worked in small groups to create their very own wild things creatures based on the characters in the book. We used natural materials that we had collected on our Geography field trip on Wednesday.…

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Year 1 field trip around village

Image of Year 1 field trip around village

On Wednesday Year 1 went on a Geography field trip around the woods in the village. As we walked, we looked for signs of rural life. We saw many signs including crops, woodlands, sheep, fields, styles and even an orchard. We also discussed how urban places would look very different and what we…

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Year 5 Science

Image of Year 5 Science

In Year 5 this week we have been learning about All Living Things. In particular we were looking at the parts of a flower and identifying them by carefully dissecting a real flower and labelling each part. We learnt About each parts individual job and how together they all play a vital role in the…

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Science Week

Image of Science Week

During Science week Year 1 investigated their bodies by measuring and comparing different body parts. We explored the questions ‘Does the tallest person have the biggest feet?’ ‘Does the person with the biggest feet have the biggest hands?’ and ‘Can the person with the longest legs jump the…

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Science Week in Year 2

Image of Science Week in Year 2

Year 2 had great fun during science week. The children carried out many different investigations with a focus on our bodies. One of our investigations looked at hand hygiene. This involved children placing a handprint on a piece of bread after touching various surfaces around school. We have been…

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