Twickenham Excitement

Image of Twickenham Excitement

A few weeks ago, some children from Year 4 were lucky enough to go to Twickenham to play in a junior rugby tournament prior to an international match between the Barbarians and South Africa. Oliver (4ST) wrote:

“When we got on the bus, I was really tired because we had to wake up at 6am to go…

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Year 5 Camp Fire

Image of Year 5 Camp Fire

Today, Year 5 enjoyed some time around our Forest School camp fire area. The children were first taught by Mrs Pearman how to safely light a fire and were given the opportunity to use the fire lighters to see if they could create some sparks. Once the fire had got going, the children were able to…

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Year 5 DT

Image of Year 5 DT

In Year 5, we have created our own Luna Rovers in response to our science learning this term on Earth and Space. We began by reflecting back on what we learnt about the different planets and their features. From this, we explored what our Luna Rover would need in order to investigate  these…

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Speed Stacking

Image of Speed Stacking

On 30th November, Teams from Year 2, 4 & 6 took part in a Speed Stacking competition held at Canterbury Primary School. All the children had been practising and were rewarded with a gold for Year 2 and Year 4 and a bronze for Year 6. The children were extremely supportive of each other and were a…

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Sportshall Athletics - Year 4

Image of Sportshall Athletics - Year 4

On 24th November, a team of 20 children from Year 4 took part in the annual Sportshall Athletics competition. This is a very exciting and energetic event and the children were fantastic! They all tried their hardest and came second out of 8 schools. Here are some quotes from the children:


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Silence is Golden

Image of Silence is Golden

On the 9th November, Roisin and Hazel (Year 6) did a sponsored silence. It was very hard to do but we managed to do it in the end. We started the challenge at 7.30 till 4.00, it was donate money for Children in Need. It was very challenging but it was worth it. In the end we managed to raise…

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Year 2 DT

Image of Year 2 DT

As part of our topic on the Great Fire of London the children were set the challenge of re-building London. The children had to design a model of the building they were going to create and used our trip to Canterbury as inspiration. The children then choose which construction material they wanted…

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Year 5 French

Image of Year 5 French

In French this term, Year 5 have been learning about Colours and My Home. The children have learned how to read, write and pronounce lots of various colours as well as exploring the vocabulary for shades such as light and dark. Throughout the ‘My Home’ topic, children have been exploring words…

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The Pudsey Stall

Image of The Pudsey Stall

A point of pride in our school is the demonstrable charitable attitudes that our children have and I was pleased to hear about six of our children's activities at the weekend.

Phoebe, Lillian, Ivy and Nanaha (Year 4), Imogen (Year 3) and Matilda (Year R) held a 'Pudsey' stall in Bridge to raise…

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Prototype chairs - Year 6

Image of Prototype chairs - Year 6

Our focus on Design Technology continues this term and the Year 6 chair project progresses well. This week, the pupils have been making prototypes of their chairs from paper straws, paper and masking tape. These models give the children an opportunity to test their designs, structures, and…

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Mayan Day

Image of Mayan Day

Thank you to everyone in year 4 for participating so enthusiastically in our Mayan Day. The outfits were brilliant. We all enjoyed being explorers and discovering new things about the Maya. We learnt about a few of the many gods including the sun god and the maize god and why they were so…

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DT - Year 3 weaving

Image of DT - Year 3 weaving

The Year three topic this term is Ancient Egypt. Within Design Technology, pupils are designing and making necklaces (inspired by Ancient Egyptian art) for a summer ‘collection’ – Egyptian style is back in fashion after 5000 years!

This is a DT textiles unit, so the main feature on the…

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