Tennis Triumph

Image of Tennis Triumph

Iris in Year 4 has been entering tennis tournaments recently and came 2nd last weekend at a tournament in Brighton. This weekend, however, her training and determination paid off and she gained an even better result!

"On Saturday 20th November, I played a tennis tournament in Maidstone and I…

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DT - Year 1

Image of DT - Year 1

This term we are focusing on Design Technology. Year one regularly practises motor skills within lessons with Mrs Cork and Mrs Andrews; in preparation for this project they have been practising using scissors and a hole punch.

Within their DT lessons they are getting into the Christmas spirit…

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Fireworks - Year R

Image of Fireworks - Year R

To celebrate Guy Fawkes night, Year R created drawings of fireworks with chalk pastels. This is a very creative art medium. Pupils smudged the bright coloured pastels with their fingers, moved them around the page and made a bit of a mess! They had photographs of fireworks around them and a video…

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Ironman - Year 4

Image of Ironman - Year 4

Term 1 Year 4 The Iron Man by Ted Hughes


The Iron Man by Ted Hughes is a fantastic book to inspire English lessons. We love teaching it as much as the children love learning from it. The Iron Man allows for such creativity and opportunities for learning. As well as reading the whole book…

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Book club

Image of Book club

This week book club enjoyed looking at a range of pop up books and we made our own pop up card.

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Chair Design - Strong shapes and WW2

Image of Chair Design - Strong shapes and WW2

Our focus this term is Design Technology. Our DT projects consist of four steps – explore, design, make and evaluate.

Year 6 are designing chairs (Action man sized) for John Lewis this term. To begin, the pupils explored strong shapes within structures. We looked at the work of architects and…

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Forest School for Year One

Image of Forest School for Year One

During Forest School this week the Year One children started to learn about our new Forest School area, the opportunities available to them and the rules that they will need to follow to keep safe while they explore.

After a game of 'Hide like a hedgehog' they had the opportunity to choose from…

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Year 5 Science Day

Image of Year 5 Science Day

BOOM! What a fantastic day we have all had. Today the children have been transformed into: planets, rockets, moon buggies, stars, the sun and so much more. Through interacting with each other and active learning they should be able to tell you about the solar system, challenges facing space…

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Year 5 Dance

Image of Year 5 Dance

Year 5 have been learning a dance linked to our focus text The Lost Thing. The children have worked really hard developing their sequencing of movements and have completed a final performance to share with you all!

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Year 3 - Abstract Art

Image of Year 3 - Abstract Art

Inspired by the artist - Atta Kwami.

Year three’s term 1 art project celebrates the Folkestone Art Triennial and is inspired by the work of Ghanaian-born artist Atta Kwami who sadly died last month, age 65. He worked in both Ghana and the UK as a painter, printmaker, and art historian.


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Shadow puppets - Year 3 Science

Image of Shadow puppets - Year 3 Science

Year 3 have been learning about Light and Shadows in Science this term. They created their shadow puppet theatres and puppets. They investigated how a shadow changes when the distance of the light source is changed. They planned their investigation, made predictions and used measuring skills to…

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Year 1 - autumn leaves

Image of Year 1 - autumn leaves

Year one pupils have been making their own autumnal leaves from their mark-making work produced earlier in the term. During their country walk, Year 1 pupils collected large autumnal leaves. I photocopied some to become leaf stencils - a choice of leaves appropriate for each child’s cutting…

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