3LC Beach Trip

Image of 3LC Beach Trip

3LC visited Tankerton Beach today as a way to finish off our Stone Age History topic.

Before lunch, we did two activities:

The first activity was rebuilding Scara Brae or Stonehenge out of rocks that we found on the beach. We really liked this even though it was hard. Our second activity was…

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Year 3 Cave Art!

Image of Year 3 Cave Art!

In English today, we had an Experience Day looking at the Stone Age medium of cave art. We explored the meaning behind lots of different examples and discussed why and how these illustrations would have been created. Following that, we divided into 'Stone Age Tribes' and devised a backstory for…

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Year 3 Rocks Days

Image of Year 3 Rocks Days

We were very lucky in Year 3 to be visited by an expert in rocks from The Education People. Both classes had fun filled days with a large variety of activities.

We examined rocks using microscopes and identified the features of each.

We learnt about fossils and were able to cast our own…

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Year 3 Visit the Stone Age

Image of Year 3 Visit the Stone Age

Yesterday, Year 3 took a flight on Topic Airways back in time to the Stone Age. When we landed, our plane was boarded by a smelly, hairy Stone Age man named CLAW. In his broken English, he taught us about life in the Stone Age, including how he hunts, how the women and children gather food and…

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Year 3 Magnificent Mountains

Image of Year 3 Magnificent Mountains

To finalise our learning on Mountains and Rivers this term, today we designed and made our own models. To begin with, we chose the materials we wanted to use before getting to work on our masterpieces. Once the models were complete we added the labels, detailing the features of both rivers and…

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Woodland Trip Year 2

Image of Woodland Trip Year 2

Welcome to the woods! 

The sun was shining and Mr Frost had come out for our trip to the wider woodlands. We looked at where the pine trees and broadleaf trees grow. There was so much room for exploration with natural materials and we returned with many happy and tired faces. 

Year 2 went on…

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Woodland trip Year 3

Image of Woodland trip Year 3


Welcome to the woods! 

The sun was shining and Mr Frost had come out for our trip to the wider woodlands. We looked at where the pine trees and broadleaf trees grow. There was so much room for exploration with natural materials and we returned with many happy and tired faces. 

Year 3…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 3

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 3

This term Year 3 learned about rivers and rocks - which we built on in Forest School. The children let water flow down the mound although it was difficult to follow the flow of the water. They ended up taking  the long gutter for support and making use of the new water butts. The children found…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 2

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 2

Our first week back was too stormy to be outside - we found out about the Big Bird Watch instead indoors. The children listened to bird poems, brainstormed what they know about garden birds already, took a quiz about which garden bird they were, they made binoculars and created their bird log…

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Year 3 Egyptian Necklaces - DT

Image of Year 3 Egyptian Necklaces - DT

The Year three topic last term was Ancient Egypt. Within Design Technology, pupils designed and made necklaces inspired by Ancient Egyptian art. This was a textiles project and the main feature on each necklace is a rectangular shaped piece of weaving. Pupils also explored making tassels and paper…

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The Great Fire of London - Year 2

Image of The Great Fire of London - Year 2

As part of our history work on The Great Fire of London, the children were set a Design and Technology challenge to rebuild London after the fire. They were given various materials and had to choose which to use and how best to join them together. Working in small groups, they designed their…

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Forest School Year 3 Term 2 2022

Image of Forest School Year 3 Term 2 2022

This term greeted us with Autumn weather - wind, rain, frost and sunshine. We have to stay flexible and adapt to the elements, meaning we could not make a fire in the first session as planned. 

We remembered some of the hedgehog facts that they had learned and some created a poppy from string…

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