Year 4 field trips into Bridge village

Image of Year 4 field trips into Bridge village

Year 4 have a enjoyed two separate field trips into Bridge and the surrounding countryside. We followed a map and identified various different places. We walked quite a long way on the first trip and could see the whole of Bridge from the top of the hill which was a great view. We could see the…

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Pen and ink African masks

Image of Pen and ink African masks

This term, Year 6 are drawing cultural objects from around the world. They have been working on small scale drawings of traditional African masks. They first learnt about the masks and how they are used within African culture. Then, drawing from photographs and filling their A5 page,…

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“Where the Wild things are” natural artwork Year 1

Image of “Where the Wild things are” natural artwork Year 1

In English at the moment we are looking at the book “Where the wild things are”. Today the children worked in small groups to create their very own wild things creatures based on the characters in the book. We used natural materials that we had collected on our Geography field trip on Wednesday.…

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Year 1 field trip around village

Image of Year 1 field trip around village

On Wednesday Year 1 went on a Geography field trip around the woods in the village. As we walked, we looked for signs of rural life. We saw many signs including crops, woodlands, sheep, fields, styles and even an orchard. We also discussed how urban places would look very different and what we…

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The Iron Man

Image of The Iron Man

On Wednesday, pupils in Year 4 had a day of art. As a year group, they have been reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

Using the illustrations by Chris Mould as inspiration, pupils created their own mixed-media pictures. They used watercolour paint, wax crayon, fine-line pen, dip pen and Indian…

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Year 5 Science

Image of Year 5 Science

In Year 5 this week we have been learning about All Living Things. In particular we were looking at the parts of a flower and identifying them by carefully dissecting a real flower and labelling each part. We learnt About each parts individual job and how together they all play a vital role in the…

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Destiny wins four rosettes!

Image of Destiny wins four rosettes!


Congratulations to Destiny in 6NA for successfully gaining four rosettes at Colette's Horse and Dog Show on Sunday 20th September. She was awarded the rosettes for displaying a range of horse-riding skills. Well done, Desti - we are very proud of you!

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Let the wild rumpus start!

Image of Let the wild rumpus start!

Year one’s topic this term is Curious Creatures. Within their classes they are reading ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sedak. They are enjoying the wonderful story and illustrations and using them to inspire their own work.

This week pupils made their own rumpus in the playground! With…

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Reception learn to weave

Image of Reception learn to weave

Reception classes, enjoying the sun on the autumn equinox, learnt how to weave this week.  Weaving is a great activity that helps to develop fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and concentration. Many of the children created patterns within their weaving, consolidating their learning about…

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Coralie has more work published!

Image of Coralie has more work published!

Coralie (6NA) has had some of her writing and more of her illustrations published on the Foundling Museum website!  

The Foundling Hospital was established in 1739 to care for babies at risk of abandonment. The museum hosts a weekly competition in conjunction with Jacqueline Wilson to…

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3HA were Back in Town!

Image of 3HA were Back in Town!

I would just like to say thank-you to the children who have been back into school today to share some time together before the end of the year, I have had a great day! For some of us, it has been quite some time since we have seen each other and it was great fun to see you all again, share our…

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World War 2 Day

Image of World War 2 Day

Following our studying on the Second World War, some pupils in Year 6 had a go at following an authentic recipe for cheese scones and sampled some traditional wartime sweets. We held a tea-party in the afternoon complete with bunting and some classic Glenn Miller!

Please view our slideshows…

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