Virtual Sports Week

Image of Virtual Sports Week

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in our school’s Virtual Sports Week both in school and at home. We have received lots of score sheets with some amazing scores! The favourite activity appeared to be the objects in water! It was nice to hear that some families had some competitive fun…

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The Arrival - poetry and art

Image of The Arrival - poetry and art

This week in Year 6 we have been looking at 'The Arrival' by Shaun Tan - a graphic novel which illustrates the journey of a man who must leave his family to seek a better life for them in a new, unfamiliar land. This made us consider what it might be like for people who are forced to leave their…

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Iguana Art Challenge

Image of Iguana Art Challenge

Thank you to everyone who completed the 'Paint an Iguana Challenge' at home. Your paintings look great.

Please check out the paintings and drawings in the slide-show below.


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The Tin Forest - Can you give a helping hand?

Image of The Tin Forest - Can you give a helping hand?

This project was inspired by the book‘ The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward and the way that communities have come together in times of crisis. Imagine a neighbour needed a helping hand. Would you be there to give it?

Thank you to Poppy, Miller, Ariadne and Talya for producing posters and artwork…

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Beautiful Oops story writing.

Image of Beautiful Oops story writing.

Creative Writing – Writing for a younger audience


Over lock-down Year 6 missed their Year R reading partners so much! Now back at school, they have decided to write and illustrate their own stories inspired by Barney Saltzberg’s book, ‘Beautiful Oops!’


Year 6 pupils began by making…

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Paint me an iguana!

Image of Paint me an iguana!

Inspired by their English work (sealing the fate of a seafaring iguana), year 6 have been creating their own adventurous reptiles.

Pupils sketched iguanas from photographs, then experimented in their sketchbooks with colour and techniques to depict the texture and patterns of an iguana's skin.…

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Coralie wins Jacqueline Wilson competition.

Image of Coralie wins Jacqueline Wilson competition.

Coralie, from 6NA, has had her illustrations published on the Foundling Museum website!  Coralie is a talented artist and we are all very proud of her.

The Foundling Hospital was established in 1739 to care for babies at risk of abandonment. The museum hosts a weekly competition in conjunction…

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Nonsense Poetry

Image of Nonsense Poetry

Thank you and well done to Evie, Alicia and Edie for completing the Nonsense Poetry and illustration challenge.


They wrote and illustrated their own version of Spike Miligan's nonsense poem, On The Ning Nang Nong!


Check out the gallery below to see their wonderful work.


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Drum Beat Challenge from Mr Miles

Image of Drum Beat Challenge from Mr Miles

Mr Miles has created a music challenge based upon his own secret desire to be a drummer (don't worry parents - your pots and pans are safe!). Watch the video below and we'd love to see what you come up with!

Perhaps inspired by Mr Miles' music challenge Melita has produced a…

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Your Quest… Mythological Beasts

Image of Your Quest… Mythological Beasts

Your Quest… Mythological Beasts.

Mrs Smith and Mrs Allen set the pupils of Bridge & Patrixbourne Primary School an art and writing quest with a mythological theme.

Pupils designed their own creatures. They used dice to decide the features of their creations and descriptive writing…

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Year 3 Word Wizards

Image of Year 3 Word Wizards

Well done Sienna, this is the first example of 'Word Wizardry' that we have received. Words are very interesting if you start looking for patterns within them or researching the history of words. I wonder if, as you are reading children, you can spot words within words and let us know? Keep in…

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Community Well-being

Image of Community Well-being

George, Ali, and mum were surprised this week as they walked their usual dog-walking route with the amount of litter they saw. They feel like it has increased since the lockdown.  Recently, we have been asking you to reflect on nature and the wonderful environment around us and how, now that we…

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