I’m Lost!

Image of I’m Lost!

While we’ve been away, strange forms have been secretly roaming the school!

Pupils in year 5 have created sculptures inspired by the book ‘The Lost Thing’, which they studied within their English lessons. In their art lessons, pupils developed their observational drawing skills by drawing…

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Animal Collage

Image of Animal Collage

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me their animal collages so far!

You have all worked so hard and your artwork is wonderful - they have really cheered me up!



I have added more collages to the gallery. Thank you to the following:

Dylan in…

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Team Building At St Anselm's school

Image of Team Building At St Anselm's school

On Friday 13th March, 15 children from Year 4 went to St Anselm's to take part in a team building day. St Anselm's School were great hosts and we were able to see some Bridge past pupils there, too, which was lovely. We would like to say a big thank you to Mr Huotari for organising it all.


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Quicksticks - Year 5 and 6

Image of Quicksticks - Year 5 and 6

On Tuesday 10th March, 2 teams of children from Year 5 & 6 competed in the District Quicksticks tournament at the Polo Farm in Canterbury. It was a tremendously exciting afternoon and both teams played brilliantly with one of our teams winning gold and the other only just missing out on a place in…

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Year 4 Quicksticks Tournament

Image of Year 4 Quicksticks Tournament

On the morning of Tuesday 10th March, 2 teams from Year 4 competed in the quicksticks competition at the Polo Farm, Canterbury. Both teams played brilliantly and demonstrated all the School Games values. Team 1 achieved first place and will go on to represent the county. Well done,…

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Forest School Launch

Image of Forest School Launch

This week Year One were fortunate enough to be the first year group to experience our new Forest School.

Mrs Chiaramello-Hopker has transformed a hidden away part of the school grounds into a Bridge School own Forest School. Through Forest School we aim to develop many skills including…

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Science Week

Image of Science Week

During Science week Year 1 investigated their bodies by measuring and comparing different body parts. We explored the questions ‘Does the tallest person have the biggest feet?’ ‘Does the person with the biggest feet have the biggest hands?’ and ‘Can the person with the longest legs jump the…

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Science Week in Year 2

Image of Science Week in Year 2

Year 2 had great fun during science week. The children carried out many different investigations with a focus on our bodies. One of our investigations looked at hand hygiene. This involved children placing a handprint on a piece of bread after touching various surfaces around school. We have been…

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Year 3 Rock Day

Image of Year 3 Rock Day

Last week, Year 3 had an amazing day learning all about Rocks with Andrew Berry. The day consisted of making models of the Earth to show the different layers; inner core, outer core, mantel and crust. They learned to identify the different types of rocks, fossils, minerals and rock formations.…

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Image of Challenges!

During PSED this term, we are discussing dreams and goals. Last week, the children thought of things they would like to do to challenge themselves. 

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4JH Science Day

Image of 4JH Science Day

4JH have had a superb morning learning about animals and insects as part of our Science week. The children learnt about how different animals move and the way they are designed. The children also had the opportunity to handle a number of different animals, such as a gecko, cockroaches, stick…

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500 Words - The Nice Story

Image of 500 Words - The Nice Story

The Nice Story

By Bruno (Year 1)


Chapter 1

Once upon a time, a big explosion happened in the middle of nowhere and there created some monsters and aliens.  Then there was a shadow. It had wings and scales and red eyes.  It had a metal mask.  The dragon had a big, big, big…

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