Write Dance - The Sea

Image of Write Dance - The Sea

To practise their gross motor skills this week, Year R pupils have been swimming through an imaginary sea!


To begin, we had a gentle swim in the tranquil sea. We practised our front stroke, back stroke and breast stroke to ‘Sitting on the Dock of the Bay’. Very relaxing. When the imaginary…

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Year R Write Dance

Image of Year R Write Dance

Year R have begun practising and developing their gross motor skills within their art lessons. The children will now be taking part in weekly Write Dance and art activities aimed to strengthen muscle groups and improve the children’s agility.


Within our first Write Dance session, we…

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Year R - All About Me

Image of Year R - All About Me

As part of their ‘All About Me’ project, Year R have been painting self-portraits. A great opportunity for the children to explore their own faces through observation of their mirror image and through touch. They initially used paint as a background, matching skin, hair and eye colours. Once dry,…

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