The Great Fire of London - Year 2
As part of our history work on The Great Fire of London, the children were set a Design and Technology challenge to rebuild London after the fire. They were given various materials and had to choose which to use and how best to join them together. Working in small groups, they designed their…
Art Club - Discovery Arts Award
We are really proud of 10 wonderful artists who have achieved their Discovery Arts Award. A group of pupils from Year 5 and 6 have been attending a weekly art club with Mrs Smith and Mrs Tomsett. Taking inspiration from ‘twisted fairy tales’, the group have explored a range of media and techniques…
Arts Council Meeting
At Bridge, we are very proud of our pupils’ high quality art, music, dance and performing arts. We have a strong Arts team comprising of Mr Miles and Mrs Brooks (Music), Mrs Andrews (dance), Mrs Smith and Mrs Tomsett (Art and DT). The whole school has been working towards the Artsmark Gold award…
Year R colour-wheels
Year R colour-wheels
Year R having been learning some colour theory this term. Pupils have been learning all about primary colours and how to mix secondary colours while making their own colour wheels. The children have worked independently, followed instructions, practised paintbrush…
Visit from Architecture Lecturer - Robert Nice
Before beginning to construct their final chairs later this week, Year 6 were privileged to be visited by an architecture lecturer today! Robert Nice, one of our parents, works at UCA in Canterbury teaching architecture; he generously gave up his time to come into school and chat with pupils about…
Cabinet of Curiosities
The Cabinet of Curiosities is open!
Sometimes known as ‘wonder rooms’, cabinets of curiosities contain small collections of extraordinary and interesting objects. Our ‘wonder room’ is curated by our librarian, Mrs Haynes.
The Cabinet of Curiosities has been created to engage pupils…
Year 6 chair project update!
Our DT projects consist of four steps – explore, design, make and evaluate.
Year 6 are designing chairs for an Action-man sized person. Pupils have been given a brief and have chosen their target customer and the style of chair they will make.
Week one
To begin the project, the pupils…
Weaving - Year R
Within their art lessons this term, Year R have been weaving with paper, wool and fabric. They have each created small individual woven pieces and have also had the opportunity to weave together on a larger scale with fabric and ribbon through wooden pallets.
This fiddly weaving task has…
Stained glass workshop - Year 2
This week, Year 2 were privileged to have a stained glass window expert, Buffer Tucker, visit them in class and run a special workshop. Buffy is now retired but used to work in the stained glass windows department at Canterbury Cathedral. As well as a career restoring historical windows, Buffy has…
Year 3 story telling
In term 1, I teamed up with Mr Ablett and Mr Chamberlain (Year 3) to run an Art and English project. The aim was for the children to use their artwork to inspire their creative writing at the end of term.
With their class teachers, pupils read the book ‘The Tunnel’ by Anthony Brown; we…
Year 6 - artefacts from around the world
Throughout term 1, Year 6 practised their observational skills by drawing objects and photographs of cultural objects from around the world. As well as studying them carefully, pupils also considered the cultural significance of such artefacts and discussed how they were acquired by museums for…
Year R draw fruit and veg
At the end of term 1, Year R children all had the opportunity to practise their observational skills and draw from fruit and vegetables. As a class, we discussed how and where fruit and vegetables are grown and what the seeds are for. We also looked carefully at their shape, form, colours and…