Self Portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo

Image of Self Portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo

During Term 5, Year 4 put a lot of effort into their self-portraits.

They have looked closely at the proportions of the face and used mirrors to examine their own faces. Did you know that the width of your face is equal to the width of 5 eyes? They have practised drawing their own features and…

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Year 3 Gurdwara Trip

Image of Year 3 Gurdwara Trip

Last week, Year 3 spent a day at Gravesend Gurdwara. Prior to the trip, we had explored the rules and customs of the Gurdwara so we were prepared for our visit. When we got there, we had to remove our shoes, cover our heads and wash our hands, before Mrs Gill, the tour guide, introduced herself to…

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Year 5 Art Workshop - Creative Folkestone

Image of Year 5 Art Workshop - Creative Folkestone

Thank you Creative Folkestone, for running an Art workshop for a group of Year 5 pupils this week.

It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to work with two local artists, Tania and Nicole, who planned and delivered a project that involved the creation of stories through stamp making,…

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Forest school - Photography

Image of Forest school - Photography

This week in forest school, Year 6 pupils made cyanotype prints (sometimes known as sun prints). Cyanotype is a photographic process that produces dark-blue prints. The light sensitive chemicals used react slowly to UV light.

Once handed the freshly painted paper, pupils carefully laid leaves…

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Year 2 - The Sea

Image of Year 2 - The Sea

During term 5, Mrs Dennett, Mr Miles and I embarked on a journey of salty water and wild waves with Year 2. Yes! An Art, English and Music project! We began by exploring the work of artist J. M. W. Turner who painted many seascapes and (allegedly) strapped himself to the mast of a sailing ship to…

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Year 6 forest school (plus art)

Image of Year 6 forest school (plus art)

Welcome to Forest School Year 6.

We had a chat about what Forest School means and a look around our nature area. The children started off with tree identification and finding out what grows on site. 

The activity choices included making a raft out of sticks and string and making it float,…

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5JS - Observational drawing of skulls

Image of 5JS - Observational drawing of skulls

This week, it was 5JS's turn to create ‘moody’ drawings using dramatic lighting and tone. We explored Chiaroscuro (kee·aa·ruh·skyuor·row), an Italian term which means light and dark and refers to the high contrast light/dark style used in Renaissance painting.

After some warmup exercises…

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Year 5 - observational drawings of skulls

Image of Year 5 - observational drawings of skulls

This week, Mrs Alison’s class were creating ‘moody’ drawings using dramatic lighting and tone. We explored Chiaroscuro (kee·aa·ruh·skyuor·row), an Italian term which means light and dark and refers to the high contrast light/dark style used in Renaissance painting.

After a warmup exercise…

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Observational Drawing of Playmobil - Year R

Image of Observational Drawing of Playmobil - Year R

Last week, Year R practised their observational skills when drawing from Playmobil people. They were asked to look carefully at the object as they drew and to think about breaking their drawing into larger shapes as a starting point (circles, rectangles, triangles etc). They learnt about how to…

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Greek Gods and Goddesses - Year 5

Image of Greek Gods and Goddesses - Year 5

Within Art this term, Year 5 pupils designed and created mixed media artworks depicting powerful Greek Gods and Goddesses. As a class, we started the project by discussing the work of illustrator Jeffery Alan Love and Ancient Greek pottery and sculpture depicting the Gods. Pupils then drew their…

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Doodling and Popcorn - Art club

Image of Doodling and Popcorn - Art club

The last Art Club of the term! Doodling and popcorn. We chilled out, chatted and doodled together on a long roll of paper with sharpies. Calming, good for the soul and the kids’ well-being!

Please see the gallery below:

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5HA and 2GD Reading Prize

Image of 5HA and 2GD Reading Prize

Each term, the whole school takes part in a reading competition to see which class reads the most time during the term. The winners for last term were lucky enough to have : ex members of staff and parents ( all who have a love for reading and writing) come in and share a morning with the…

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