Year 3 The Tunnel

Image of Year 3 The Tunnel

Over the last few weeks,Year 3 have been reading the book The Tunnel. We used this as a stimulus in our art lessons. The children began by thinking of their own story. They first had to decide what creature would be in their story, what the creature would go through in order to get to another…

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Year 2 story-telling project

Image of Year 2 story-telling project

Story-telling. Art, writing and drama project.


Year two love a cross-curricular project! In term 5, we delivered a story-telling project combining art, writing and drama. The over-arching topic for the term was Indonesia and both art lessons and writing lessons used the country and its…

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Peacock hats - Year 2

Image of Peacock hats - Year 2

You may have already seen some spectacular peacocks strutting proudly home! Where have they come from?


Well, to celebrate their topic of Indonesia this term, Year 2 pupils have been practising the traditional Peacock Dance within their PE lessons with Laura. The only thing missing was the…

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Year 2 observational drawing - peacock feathers

Image of Year 2 observational drawing - peacock feathers

Year 2 observational drawing of peacock feathers


I just love these! Year 2 have been practising their observational skills this term by drawing peacock feathers. As a class, we explored the feel of the feathers and discussed the colours that can been seen within them. We looked at shapes…

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William Morris printing - Year 2

Image of William Morris printing - Year 2

Year 2 have been exploring relief printing and have created their own repeat patterns inspired the work of William Morris. Pupils have used their observational skills to draw from photographs of British wildlife and leaves. The drawings were then used when designing and making their own printing…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 1

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 1

We had the owl babies visiting Forest School this term. Year 1 played a bird game - trying to find wool of different colours and learning about camouflaging. We supported the birds in our area but making natural bird feeders from apples, seeds and string. After a couple of weeks they had all…

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Forest School Year 1 Term 2 2022

Image of Forest School Year 1 Term 2 2022

Autumn weather has greeted us this term with wind, storm, rain, frost and sunshine. 

In Forerst School you have to be flexible and go with the elements. We could not make a fire on the first day as planned as it was too stormy. 

We read the book 'kind' and thought about how we can be kind to…

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Inky BEASTS - Year One

Image of Inky BEASTS - Year One

Mark-making inspired by ‘Billy and the Beast’. 


This term, Year one have been reading the book ‘Billy and the Beast’, by author and illustrator Nadia Shireen. Within art, we looked at Nadia Shireen’s illustrations and as a class discussed how she used her marks and lines to describe…

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Autumn leaves - Year 1

Image of Autumn leaves - Year 1

Over the last two weeks, Year 1 have been creating autumn leaves from their marking-making paintings. Pupils neatly drew around leaf templates with HB pencil and then carefully cut out the shape - practising cutting skills. They attached a piece of wire to the back of their leaf with sticky tape,…

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Year 1 mark-making

Image of Year 1 mark-making

In Art, pupils in Year one have been exploring mark-making but not with traditional tools! As a class, we looked at marks and lines made with unusual household objects and discussed what they reminded us of – the texture of crocodile skin, grass, fur, bricks etc.

Pupils were encouraged to mix…

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Forest School Year 1 30.3.22

Image of Forest School Year 1 30.3.22

Well, this was Year 1's last official Forest School session until they are in Year 2. Honestly, it has been wonderful to see their journey so far - the children have developed so much confidence, they now come up with their own ideas and ask for things out of the shed that we have done before like…

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Forest School Year 1 23.3.22

Image of Forest School Year 1 23.3.22

What a sunny week! Amazing. 

I had promised the children s'mores for a long time and the weather seemed perfect for a campfire and snack. We read the book 'Fiery Fox' again to remind ourselves of the rules around a fire. The children all had a turn at roasting marshmallows and they enjoyed them…

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