Rhythmic Gymnastics Success
There have been a number of children who have competed in Rhythmic Gymnastics competitions recently, against high level opposition from clubs invited from throughout the UK. They have achieved gold and silver medals for their efforts. Here is a list of the children and their…
Buster Book Club Award
In reading news. Mrs Starling and myself were very fortunate to be presented with the Platinum Literacy award and a Buster Award at the KM Charity Team Literacy Awards a couple of weeks ago. The awards recognise the efforts of schools that have shown particular enthusiasm or innovation with…
Miracles in Year 3
Another couple of very busy weeks in Year 3!
Following on from our visit to Canterbury Cathedral ,where we looked at the Miracle Windows of Thomas Becket , the children thought it would be fun to create their own stained glass windows and write the tales that told the story of their own…
Romans lend me your ears (and the rest of your face)
This week Year 4 have been painting our Roman legionnaires that we made during our visit to the Dover Roman Museum.
We are continuing to learn about the Roman legacy.
Year 4
The Adventures of Odysseus
Year 6 had great fun presenting their diary entries recounting Odysseus’s encounter with the Cyclops. We turned our classrooms into Greek feasting halls and shared our amazing writing with each other.
Leo's Birthday Party!
What a week we have had! On Tuesday, we found out it was Leo's 10th birthday on Thursday and we had to get everything ready for the special celebration! Birthday cards were made, presents wrapped, invitations written and our classrooms were covered in our fantastic decorations. Thursday came…
Blue Peter Award
Well done Seren for achieving your Blue Peter badge for Sport!
World in Danger
I've been made aware of a very powerful music video about climate change which is planned to be a contender for Christmas Number 1.
Frankie, who wrote the lyrics for the song is the grandchild of two of our Bridge relatives and his Mum was also a pupil at Bridge School.
All proceeds will go…
Fire of London
This week in Year 2 we have started our history topic on the Fire of London. We began with a treasure hunt where the children found clues which linked to Samuel Pepys. the children had to guess who they thought may have buried these and why. In the next lesson we gave the children different…
An Odyssey
Year 6 children have been writing their own Odyssey journeys and Sophie's was particularly impressive.
War Pennies
As part of their Remembrance Work, Year 2 have been studying a War Penny that belonged to a relative of Mrs Dennett.
She was so impressed with Phoebe's design that she was sent to me for a Headteacher Award!
Super Heroes!
This week the children in Year 1 have been using their imagination to design their own superheroes! We were so impressed with all of their fantastic pictures. Today the children have written descriptive phrases about the appearance of their superheroes. Tomorrow we will be including our phrases…