I’m Lost!

Image of I’m Lost!

While we’ve been away, strange forms have been secretly roaming the school!

Pupils in year 5 have created sculptures inspired by the book ‘The Lost Thing’, which they studied within their English lessons. In their art lessons, pupils developed their observational drawing skills by drawing…

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Thermal Conductor Experiment

Image of Thermal Conductor Experiment

Today Year 5  have been scientists investigating properties of materials. We wanted to find out which material was the best thermal conductor. The children were given a list of equipment they had access to and then they were tasked with planning an experiment that would provide an answer to our…

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Year 5 Poetry

Image of Year 5 Poetry

What Am I?

This term, Year 5 have been learning to write poetry, in particular riddles. The children learnt what the features of riddles are and then planned and created their own. Some children chose concrete nouns, whereas others chose abstract nouns. The children took great pleasure in…

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Bubble-net Feeding

Image of Bubble-net Feeding

This week Year 5 have been writing explanation texts about bubble-net feeding. All the children have worked extremely hard: identifying the features of an explanation text; designing the layout; draft-writing their own information and then producing some amazing explanation texts which are…

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Year 5 French

Image of Year 5 French

Year 5 have been busy learning to read, speak and write in French. Holly and Jordan wrote a super paragraph all about themselves and their family and had a go at reading it out loud. Year 5 are very lucky to have Mrs Brooks who teaches French weekly to both classes, so far the children have learnt…

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