Languages Day 2024

Image of Languages Day 2024

In Year 1 we thoroughly enjoyed an interesting day learning about a few aspects of Japanese culture.  We started by learning some interesting facts about Japan: did you know the tallest mountain in Japan is mount Fuji and the longest river is called Shinano? During the day we learnt to write our…

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Florence Nightingale Learning

Image of Florence Nightingale Learning

Our History topic this term has been exploring the life and work of Florence Nightingale and learning about why she was significant. To round off our learning, the children made lamps and Crimean soldiers’ hats. They then immersed themselves in role playing being soldiers from the Crimean War  and…

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Safer Internet Day 2024

Image of Safer Internet Day 2024

This week, as a school, we have been focussing on how to stay safe online - using safer internet day 2024 as a catalyst for class discussions. Each year group completed a different activity - linked to theme 'Together for a better internet'. Each class also read a book which helped us learn about…

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500 Words Winners 2024

Image of 500 Words Winners 2024

In November, the children of Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School were invited to enter the first school 500 Words House Competition - which was run in conjunction with the BBC 500 Words Story competition.


The competition was to write an original story in 500 words or less, with Year 1 – 3…

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Bugsy Photos

Image of Bugsy Photos

We were lucky enough to be fantastically entertained by our Year 6 classes in their productions of Bugsy Malone last week. Here are a few photos of them in the dress rehearsal last Tuesday.

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The Bridge Times Edition VI

Image of The Bridge Times Edition VI

The Bridge Times Edition 6 has arrived and it is bigger than ever! Thank you again to our reporters for their continued, informative contributions!

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The Bridge Times Edition V

Image of The Bridge Times Edition V

Welcome to the fifth edition of The Bridge Times. This week the reporters are looking ahead to The Bridge Proms as well as looking back at the impact of The Dogs Trust workshops. We hope you enjoy reading the articles.

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Bridge Times Edition IV

Image of Bridge Times Edition IV

Edition IV of the Bridge Times includes excitement about Saturday's coronation of King Charles, a special interview with one of our members of staff and some sporting success. Thank you again to our four year 5 reporters!

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The Bridge Times Edition III

Image of The Bridge Times Edition III

We hope you enjoy the third edition of The Bridge Times, including an interview with the chair of the PTA and some exciting sports news.

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The Bridge Times Edition II

Image of The Bridge Times Edition II

We are delighted to announce that Edition II of the Bridge Times has arrived. Please click on the link below to find out what has been happening in school recently!

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The Bridge Times Newspaper is BACK!

Image of The Bridge Times Newspaper is BACK!

We are delighted to see that four Year 5 children have resurrected the school newspaper - The Bridge Times. You can see the first edition below, we hope it will be the first of many!

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Sam's Olympic Hockey Experience

Image of Sam's Olympic Hockey Experience

It was fantastic to hear that just before Christmas Sam, in year 4, took part in the Indoor Hockey Championships at the end of December, playing for Canterbury U10 Boys. The event took place at the Copper Box Arena at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford. They were pleased to come away…

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