This week, Year 5 visited Carroty Wood in Tonbridge for their much anticipated residential. We set off Monday morning mud-free and ready for lots of new experiences ahead. When we arrived, the children were split into four cross-class groups for their activities and the fun began!

Across the three days, the children experienced a range of new opportunities, with particular highlights being the high ropes, climbing and pedal karting - even the adults got involved! The recent rain was the source of much hilarity on the low ropes course as the jeopardy of falling into the boggy water below filled the children with nerves and excitement.

In the evenings, the children either took part in a night hike through the woods, focusing on pausing to be aware of the natural beauty around them, or playing freely in the Sport Hall. As our first year self-catering, the children had the opportunity to make their own breakfast and lunch, teaching them valuable life skills.

As a Christian based site, each activity carried a moral thread, largely linked to theme of trust, and every morning started with a reflection for the day.

We were so impressed with the children's behaviour and thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. We hope they had a memorable time and each took their own personal achievement from the experience!

Year 5 Residential - Carroty Wood October 2024