Safer Internet Day 2025
Tuesday 11th February was Safer Internet Day. This years theme was ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online’. Every class began by sharing a PowerPoint introducing the topic.
‘Safer Internet Day is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety. Each year we cover…
Safer Internet Day 2024
This week, as a school, we have been focussing on how to stay safe online - using safer internet day 2024 as a catalyst for class discussions. Each year group completed a different activity - linked to theme 'Together for a better internet'. Each class also read a book which helped us learn about…
Year R - texture
Today Year R were exploring texture and printing. Pupils first learnt about texture; they felt and described various textured materials and objects before printing from them. They applied the paint with sponges, laid the textured materials on their paper (ink down) and then applied pressure with a…
Stop-Motion by Ellie (3SA)
Ellie has created her very own stop-motion video and this can be viewed below. We're all very impressed with her technical skills.
Online Safety
As part of online safety week Year One have shared the story ‘Once upon a time... online’ and discussed the issue of asking permission to use the internet. The children created colourful posters to spread the important message that you must always ask a grown up if you want to go…