Friday 7th February was Number Day. We celebrated as a school by completing some fun and different maths activities. Below is a short summary of what each year group did to take part:


In Year 1 we celebrated number day by playing a game with our friends. We rolled the dice moved our counter and solved the number problem on the square. We used our white boards to write our answers down and number lines to help us count on to get the correct answer to the number problem. It was great fun!


Year 2 enjoyed a lively game of bingo using some amazing mental maths skills. and then they chose for the variety of number related activities. The children also had the opportunity to design their own Maths t-shirt.


On Friday the 7th of February Year 3 went out to the KS2 playground and field to celebrate number day. First of all, the teacher told us what we had to do so we did not get confused. We had to find little boards that were hidden around the playground and field. We had a map of all the little boards and what numbers they were. After that both classes went outside to start the scavenger hunt. Next ,we had to recognise the last 3 digits on the card and when we had finished we had to order the box from smallest to biggest. 


For numbers day, Year 4 were excited to take on the challenge of the Purple Mash Escape Rooms! Using the Ipads, the children worked together to solve a number of mathematical related problems to help find their way out of the rooms. The children found it challenging but loved the thrill of escape whilst unknowingly applying their maths skills. 


Year 5 took their number day to the woods! We asked the children to make Maths symbols with their "Journey Stick" which was a collection of findings from a forest walk. The children then made mazes in their free time but had to include an element of Maths. Some had points in their mazes where the player had to answer a question in order to proceed.


In Year 6, we applied our numbers knowledge to a variety of real-life scenarios using all four operations to calculate and dealing with decimals using money. We also played Bingo by finding a fraction of an amount!


Everyone had great fun! Have a browse through the photos to see some of the activities in action.


Number day 2025