Year 5 have completed their Moon Buggy toys for children aged 9-10 years old.
Product specification were as follows:
- It must move using an elastic band ‘pull back’ mechanism
- Have 4 wheel and 2 axels
- The dimensions must not exceed an A4 piece of paper
- Be strong and robust to withstand regular play (on the moon’s surface)
- Include a chair for an astronaut
- Resemble a moon buggy and include features that a real Nasa Moon Buggy would have
- Be appealing to children aged 9-10 years old
Pupils learnt about: potential and kinetic energy; the ‘pull back’ mechanism; friction and grip; wheels; axels; how the size of wheels and weight of the chassis may affect the performance of the vehicle and tips on how to pitch their product to potential customers.
They designed and made their moon buggies in pairs and then competed against each other to win the ultimate prize – a rubber chicken! We had two competitions – aesthetics (which buggy will appeal to children) and performance (the buggy that travels the furthest).
Well done to all the winners. Well done to everyone in Year 5 - it was a blast!
Please view our gallery below: