Yesterday, 5JS had great fun at forest school. We began by looking at pine cones and made predictions about what would happen if we put them into cold water. Some children thought they would close up and some thought they would crumble. We put a few in a bowl of water and put it to one side. We then began discussing seeds (linked to our Science topic All Living Things). Mrs Pearman gave the children seed/leaf/tree identity sheets and explained we were going on a seed hunt around the school. Children were given time to see what they could find and were quite surprised just how many different types of seeds and trees we have around the school. With support from Mrs Pearman, children identified and collected a large variety of seeds and put them into a bowl. Once we finished our walk, we looked at the seeds we had collected and talked about the ones that interested us. 
The children were then given some free time to explore. We all had great fun!