Welcome to Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School


12 July 2024
Image of Year 3 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Year 3 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Welcome to the Forest School summer term.  Year 3 children have been very busy exploring and learning new skills:  We set up some experiments linked to their science topics - exploring how plants suck up water - we listened to trees with a stethoscope and waited for two white ox-e...

12 July 2024
Image of Year 2 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Year 2 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Welcome to the summer Forest School Term.  The Year 2 children have been incredibly busy outdoors exploring and learning new skills:  You have hopefully already read about our trip to Covert woods in a separate blog.  We learned about Woodland birds, made binoculars a...

12 July 2024
Image of Forest School Year R Term 6 2023-2024

Forest School Year R Term 6 2023-2024

Welcome to the summer fun in Forest School. This Term the Reception children have been fantastic and they have learned and explored the following:  Passing the squeeze in a circle game - sitting very quietly and waiting for their turn.  Exploring the slack line for balancing Co...

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