This morning, 5JS set off to the Beany for their reading prize. We were greeted by some ladies who introduced us to the library. The children listened carefully to how the library worked and the different sections that were available to them, including fiction and non-fiction books. The children then split into two groups. One group browsed the books and were able to choose a book they would like to take home if they wanted to, the other group were shown how to use the self service machine to take out and return books. Then the groups swapped over. Lots of the children already had their own library card, whilst some signed up today. Those who haven’t signed up, can still do this by popping to the library with their parents. Children can keep the books for up to 3 weeks before they then need to return or renew them. Renewal can be done online using the website on the back of their library card. There are also hundreds of e-books which can be borrowed from the comfort of their own home and the borrowing works in a similar way via the library website. The children enjoyed asking lots of questions about the workings of the library and we all had a really lovely morning. Keep on reading!