(Salma, Eleanor and Cara -Y6):
On Tuesday this week, 14 pupils from Bridge School went to Tag Rugby at the Canterbury Rugby Club to compete in a tournament. We split into 2 teams : 1 and 2. We led some warm-ups before our first games. Bridge 1 won most of their games, competing very well. Bridge 2 drew 1 game and came close to winning the others. We didn’t win overall, but tried our best and had lots of fun!
(Ava and Ali - Y6)
On Tuesday, a few children from Year 6 and 1 from Year 5, went to compete in a tag rugby tournament against other schools. We were split into 2 teams (Bridge 1 and 2). We played against 13 teams in total (split into 3 divisions). Sadly, neither of our teams stepped on to the podium, but we had a lot of fun. Bridge 1 won 5 out of 7 of their games and Bridge 2 drew won game but lost the others, although they were really close scores. All of us tried our best and we all had fun!
Well done to all the children. They demonstrated all of our school and PE values and were fantastic role models for our school - you should feel very proud of yourselves.