In the school library we stock a range of quality fiction and non-fiction texts. We aim for these books to show a diverse representation of society, as we recognise the importance of all children seeing themselves and their world reflected in the books they read. These include books for children to learn about neuro-diversity and books which have a neuro-diverse protagonist.
We have a huge range of exciting reading books, including graphic novels and weekly magazine subscriptions. We also stock books especially for children with dyslexia, Irlen syndrome, those with visual stress, as well as children with short attention span, hyperactivity or EAL learners. These books are published with a dyslexia friendly font and on a heavier paper that is tinted and easier on the eye, with accessible layout, spacing and design.
We also have books for children covering social and environmental issues, books that encourage mindfulness and mental wellbeing, and books that cover bereavement.
Each month we showcase a different children’s author, and feature books they have written, as well as interesting facts about that author.
As well as this, we celebrate events such as Autism awareness week, Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Month, Mental wellbeing week, Downs syndrome awareness week, Refugee week, and many more.
Please take a look at our Instagram page: primary_library
If you would like to purchase a book for the library, there is a link to our Amazon wish-list in our Instagram bio or ask for a hard copy.