The Nice Story
By Bruno (Year 1)
Chapter 1
Once upon a time, a big explosion happened in the middle of nowhere and there created some monsters and aliens. Then there was a shadow. It had wings and scales and red eyes. It had a metal mask. The dragon had a big, big, big scar.
Chapter 2
He got that scar from the Battle of Gahoola. A sword hit him on the face. Fred found it out on Google. The dragon was again the King of Gahoola. He was mighty and brave and fierce. He never gave up in war. He won medals and they were gold and silver and bronze. Milight was in the Battle of Gahoola too. He did not die.
Chapter 3
Froolis and Hugo and Henry were having a play date. Then they were on the bed and they fell off it. Because the Battle of Gahoola was spreading. They told all the people in the town. Then every person in the town got their weapons.
Chapter 4
The town was fighting but when they saw that evil dragon, his name was Dragonite. They stopped and they fighted their team so that the dragon did not kill them. If they were still on their own team, their own team will get beaten up. If the Battle of Gahoola never stopped the world will be in danger. But in 1985 the Battle of Gahoola started and the year now is 2088.
Chapter 6 – Happy Stuff Now
The Battle of Gahoola ended in 2098. There was a celebration. Everyone cheered and shouted. They sang songs and Christmas songs as well. They were so so so so so happy and the world was not in danger anymore. But there were still some battles but not so often now these days. Most people are not in battle anymore.
Chapter 7
It was nice that all the battles are done but that dragon is still alive but he lives in a cave. He never comes out of the cave because he is cross that they stopped battle. He wants to be King of Battle but now there is no battle he can’t be King of battle anymore. If there is battle he will be King of battle. There’s no battle so he is not King of battle.
Chapter 8
The Mayor was happy and the King and Queen were happy all the battles are done. Then the King and Queen agreed that we should have a party with chocolate and pepper and everything and they did an announcement – “To everyone…if you used to be in battle, don’t, if you hear on the radio that there is a battle, don’t join it because you will get killed. And we don’t want everyone killed” said the King “ok?”. And the people said “ok”.
Chapter 9
Cocodo and Harrybight and Trigodomona had a play date together and they did not need to worry about anything because all the battles have finished.
THE END…I hope you liked it!
3 March 2020
Bruno I Loved it I Wish you Win. I Love you.