Two young schoolgirls from Bridge School recently participated in The Bone Cancer Trust-Elfie Run, a charity event held during the Christmas season. Poppy and Betsy, not only showcased their enthusiasm and determination but also managed to raise an impressive £228.14 for a cause close to their hearts.

The funds raised by these dynamic duo will be donated to the Team Miles Forever Fund, created in memory of their brother's friend, Miles, who tragically lost his battle with cancer on New Year's Eve 2022. Through their involvement in the charity run, Poppy and Betsy not only showcased their athletic abilities but also demonstrated their compassionate nature and commitment to the community.

Their remarkable achievement serves as an inspiration to everyone at Bridge School and beyond, demonstrating that even the youngest members of our community can make a significant impact. Poppy and Betsy's dedication and generosity embody the values to which we all ascribe, reminding us all of the importance of giving back.

To find out more about The Bone Cancer Trust and how you can contribute to their vital work, please visit Team Miles Forever Fund (