You may recall earlier this year Rob Moon was awarded Support Staff of the Year in the Canterbury District as part of the Kent Teacher of the Year Awards. We were very pleased to hear last week that Rob was also awarded Caretaker of the Year for the whole of Kent. I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this is well deserved and I have included his nomination below.
I would like to nominate Rob Moon for this award as he frequently goes above and beyond to support the school and its children.
I am astounded by everything that he does for the community. Despite his role being that of a Site Manager he also supports in the kitchen when they are short-staffed - this is by no means an isolated incident and he can frequently be seen helping staff in his own time.
Until recently, he was also chair of the PTA and is also responsible for arranging the main fundraising event of the year - the Bridge Village Fireworks - a responsibility he has kept even after standing down as chair of the PTA
The fireworks event is one that brings the whole community together with all members of school community and wider attendees enjoying the display. This also raises a significant amount of money for the school - this year raised just over £7000! Money that impacts directly on the children of Bridge School.
If this wasn't enough, he has also supported the introduction of 'Messy Church' at Bridge School and can be found one Saturday a month in the school kitchen preparing meals for anything between 60 to 100 people - all voluntarily!
Throughout all this, he has a smile on his face (most days!) and is clearly dedicated to the village of Bridge, its school and its children.