What an amazing morning we had at school today celebrating World Book Day!
During last week, the children were given the opportunity to choose one book from a total of 16 books which were chosen by adults around the school to go and listen to, from poetry, classics, modern diversity to the Guinness book of records.
As I walked around the school this morning, it was wonderful to see the mixed age groups, which had chosen the same book, working together and accessing the stories at their own level.
The follow up tasks prepared by the adults included: art, drama, story - telling and so much more. However, many of the adults said that the children had their own ideas on how they could respond to the text and went with their ideas and that they would have liked to have the children for a longer period of time. It was a huge success and sharing stories like this is something promotes a real enjoyment for reading in our school for both children and adults alike.
Tomorrow Gregg Stobbs is coming into school to work with some children from each year group to share ideas on the Library Mural and on the week of the 23rd we have our reading bonanza week.
I love my job!
Thank- you for all involved in making today a great success!
Helen Allison.