On Monday 11th November the children and staff of Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School gathered for our Act of Remembrance.
We heard from Mr Tibbles about the importance of this Act. Even though it has been over 100 years since the end of the First World War, we still remember and commemorate those who fought in the war, those who lived through it and those who died.
The poppies we wear show that we remember. We remember those people and the people caught up in wars all over the world.
Most importantly, we remember that good can come out of bad and those who were enemies that now call each other friend.
Eddie gave a reading of 'In Flander's Field' and then Annabelle, Lewin, Heidi and Raph (Year 6) led us in prayer:
Lord, we are saddened at the thought of war,
of the soldiers who must fight
and all those people who are killed.
Today we remember their sacrifice with great sadness.
We thank them for what they did for us.
We also remember that they won for us a victory,
that without their bravery these wars may have been lost,
and our lives could have been so very different,
without the freedom we so much enjoy.
We thank them for what they did for us.
We are saddened at the thought of your suffering,
that you, too, had to be a great hero,
and walk to Jerusalem, be arrested, tried
and killed on that horrible cross.
We thank you for what you did for us.
We also remember that you won for us a victory,
that on Easter morning you rose again,
and helped us to overcome our human nature,
so that we might rise again with you.
We thank you for what you did for us.
Laurence Dunderdale and Evie read the Exhortation and we held our silence at 11am and reflected upon the sacrifice of so many people as well as thankfulness for the peace we enjoy today.
To close our Act of Remembrance, Margaret read a prayer and a blessing and the children sang our National Anthem.
Across the rest of the day, the children have been learning more about Remembrance and below are some examples of the work that they have completed.