On Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th September 2024, Hazel and Birch classes visited Creed Outdoor Learning Centre in Teynham for our Experience day linked to our new writing topic on persuasive leaflets.

During their visit, the children took part in five different activities throughout the day including: Blind Trail, Low Ropes, Archery, Shelter Building and Fire Lighting, Wall Climbing and High Ropes.

Whilst participating in these activities the children worked together to achieve a team goal, overcame fears and push their own boundaries to the limit, learn valuable survival and life skills all whilst having a great deal of fun.

The children were excellently behaved and represented themselves and their school superbly.

Now, over the remaining few weeks of this term, they have the task of reflecting on their visit to Creed and creating a persuasive leaflet about the venue and activities. Already the children are highly invested in the sentence stacking lessons which are building up to their independent writing of these leaflets towards the end of term.