George, Ali, and mum were surprised this week as they walked their usual dog-walking route with the amount of litter they saw. They feel like it has increased since the lockdown.  Recently, we have been asking you to reflect on nature and the wonderful environment around us and how, now that we have more time, fortunate we are to have such wonderful surroundings. It is a well-known fact that getting outside, breathing fresh air, and appreciating the nature around us is good for our well-being. With this, in mind, we would like you to take the challenge of keeping your walking route tidy.

As you are out walking this week, take a bag with you (and gloves) and see how much litter you can collect and dispose of in a responsible way. This will not only make the walks more pleasing for everyone, but you will be helping the environment and the animals' natural habitat too.

Take pictures and send them in, at the moment the Green family are in 1st place with 3 bags:)

Well done George and Ali for caring making a difference!