Please note that the Walking Bus has been temporarily suspended and we are seeking volunteers to support its re-establishment. If you can support us, please speak to the office.


  • Do you get fed up fighting for a parking space in the morning?
  • Do you wish your children could walk to school with their friends?
  • Would you like to drop your kids a little earlier so you can get to work on time?

If so, then the Walking Bus could be the answer. It's fun, healthy, environmentally friendly, cuts down on congestion and runs every day of the week.

What is a Walking Bus and how does it work?

A Walking Bus is an organised walk to school with parent volunteers taking it in turns to escort the bus along an agreed route.

Our route started at the parking bays on Patrixbourne Road by the tennis courts, along Riverside Close, through the alley into the village recreation ground and into school. All involved wear hi-viz tabards and all volunteers have been DBS checked through school.

We are also hoping to establish a Walking Bus from Bridge Down.

If you have any questions, you can email or pop in to talk to the office staff.

Below is a video created to promote our Walking Bus.

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